The French Ambassador to the Seychelles, H.E. Dominic Mas, had a first-hand “fishy” experience this afternoon (Wednesday 26th May, 2021), when he visited the Research Laboratory of the Seychelles Fishing Authoriy (SFA).
Accompanied by the CEO of SFA, Mr. Nichol Elizabeth, Ambassador Mas was briefed on the “Tuna Biological Sampling” project that is being co-financed by the Institute of Research for Development (IRD) and SFA.
IRD forms part of the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, which is an internationally recognised organisation with a focus on attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) through scientific progression.
In the joint project, SFA conducts the monitoring of tropical tuna species through weekly sampling at the Indian Ocean Tuna factory (I.O.T).
The main objective of the sampling activity is to collect morphometric data of size – weight parameters of the tuna, its organs, liver, stomach contents and maturity stages of the three major commercial tuna species; Skipjack (Katsuwonuc pelamis), Big Eye (Thunnus obesus) and Yellowfin (Thunnus albacares).
The sampling targets a minimum of 100 tuna per species per month and the data is processed by IRD.
As a result, the study provides knowledge on the reproductivity, growth and mortality patterns of tropical tuna, which determines the sustainability of their population in response to exploitation.
This information is crucial to the development of stock assessments and fisheries management.