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Seychelles: Rapid Strategic Risk Assessment


The report summarises the results of a Strategic Risk Assessment (SRA) conducted between 01st October 2022 and 30th September 2023 in the Seychelles Area of Concern (AOC). The AOC comprises of Seychelles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and proposed Marine Spatial Plan (MSP) zones 1 and 2. The analysis was conducted on behalf of the Seychelles Government and the objective of the SRA was to identify the present fishing related risks to the proposed MSPs zones 1 and 2 inside the Seychelles EEZ.

Key findings:

  • 331 unique AIS identities transmitted as vessel type fishing and the predominant flag state for these were flagged to the foreign Taiwanese fleet.
  • Of the vessel type fishing, the longline fleet were the most prevalent fleet on Automatic Identification System (AIS) and displayed high concentrations of activity inside the proposed MSP zones 1 and 2.
  • Seasonality on AIS was observed by the fishing fleet, the peak activity was between November and December.
  • IOTC catch-effort data for 2022 was reviewed due to the low AIS transmissions from the fishing fleet. The majority of the catch-effort data demonstrated that the north and northwest of the Seychelles EEZ were being heavily fished by the purse seine fleet.
  • Although the fishing fleet is significant in size, the vessels mainly transmitting on AIS relate to the larger commercial fleet. This leaves a gap in understanding of the small-scale national fleets operating in the AOC.
  • It is the absence of activity on AIS which poses the highest challenge for Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) and enforcement. Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) proved a valuable tool in highlighting high levels of likely dark vessels operating inside the proposed MSP zones 1 and 2, with peak activity observed between October and November corresponding with the AIS peak activity.

To combat the risk of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing we have the following overarching recommendations. 

  • Utilise remote sensing satellite imagery in conjunction with available AIS and Vessel monitoring system (VMS) data. Remote sensing can be used to detect ‘dark’ vessels that do not transmit on tracking systems and gain an accurate overall picture of ‘dark’ fleets areas of operation and seasonal activity of these vessels operating in the Seychelles EEZ.
  • Target Monitoring Control and Surveillance (MCS) activities along the proposed MSP zones 1 and 2, specifically the Aldabra and Amirantes proposed MSP zones, where the highest level of activity was identified (significant longline activity and AIS gaps which could have enabled fishing in the EEZ) in the 1st and 2nd quarter of the one-year analysis.
  • Due to number of VIIRS ‘dark’ vessel detections and the fishing buoy aggregations to identify ‘dark’ longline vessel activities, use of remote sensing would be highly beneficial between October and January of the year in the Seychelles EEZ.
  • It is recommended to require all vessels, whether bound by SOLAS AIS requirements or not, to transmit on AIS when inside Seychelles EEZ, thus ensure the safety of vessels and aid the monitoring of the fishing fleet.